Soul of the Summit Improves Efficiency
After years of service to our community’s nonprofits, The Summit Foundation approached Imagine That to tighten up its brand message and communicate more effectively. The solution included a brand strategy and new website.
Imagine That partnered with The Summit Foundation to create a consistent brand message and a best-of-class website worthy of their leadership position for Summit County’s nonprofits.
The new website provides better and more streamlined services and resources to local nonprofits and donors. Imagine That is proud to have helped the foundation realize its vision of “Bringing People Together to Create Ever-Better Mountain Communities.”
The Problem
The Summit Foundation’s old site had become disorganized and frustrated users, preventing effective communication with their stakeholders. Their old website didn’t work on mobile devices, and the massive amount of website content was unwieldy. The diversity of their users contributed to the challenge of creating a uniform brand message.
Imagine That guided The Summit Foundation through a series of brand discovery sessions. We defined The Summit Foundation’s archetypes which helped bring focus to the brand message. We also identified a number of user personas, which guided content development. The new website incorporates a mobile friendly design and an improved information architecture.
The Results
The Summit Foundation is thrilled to provide more streamlined communication with its users, saving time and resources. The uniform messaging is clear and easy to understand. It is easier for donors to make contributions and understand how their money is benefitting the community. Nonprofit organizations can now more readily find the information and resources they need to provide critical services to improve the wellbeing of Summit County’s residents.
If your brand message or your website is outdated or unmanageable, contact Imagine That today for a free one hour consultation or fill out this survey to get started right away.
Services Provided
- Brand Strategy & Consultation
- Web Design
- Web Development
Launch: April 2017
Imagine That is proud to have Summit Foundation among its satisfied clients.