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Useful Resources for Aspiring UI Designers

Hey there, UI design enthusiasts! Are you hungry for some fresh inspiration to take your designs to the next level? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ve rounded up some of the most useful resources for UI designers, from blogs and online courses to design inspiration websites and more. These gems will help you sharpen your skills, stay up-to-date with the latest trends, and create jaw-dropping interfaces that’ll make users go “Wow!” So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into this treasure trove of resources!

Resources for UI Designers

There’s a wealth of resources out there to help you sharpen your UI design skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Here’s a list of some cool resources you should definitely check out:

  1. Blogs and websites:
  • A List Apart: Covers a range of topics in web design, development, and user experience.
  • Icons8’s Blog: Blog page with useful tutorials, articles, and insights from professional UI/UX designers.
  • Smashing Magazine: Offers articles, tutorials, and case studies on web design, coding, and UX/UI.
  • UX Design.cc: A Medium-based publication focused on sharing UX/UI design stories, insights, and trends.
  1. Online courses and tutorials:
  • Coursera: Offers numerous UI design courses, including some from top universities.
  • Udemy: Provides a vast array of UI design courses catering to different skill levels and design tools.
  • YouTube: Channels like The Futur and CharliMarieTV offer helpful UI design tips and tutorials.
  1. Design inspiration and showcase websites:
  • Dribbble: A platform where designers showcase their work and find inspiration from others.
  • Behance: Adobe’s design platform where creatives can share their projects and get feedback.
  • Awwwards: Recognizes and showcases the best in web design and user interface design.
  1. Podcasts:
  • The UIE Podcast Network: Features a collection of podcasts focusing on UI and UX design, research, and strategy.
  • The Design Better Podcast: Hosted by InVision, this podcast features interviews with industry leaders discussing design best practices and trends.
  1. Books:
  • “Don’t Make Me Think” by Steve Krug: A classic book on web usability and user-centered design.
  • “The Design of Everyday Things” by Don Norman: Provides insights into how design impacts user experience and interaction.
  • “Seductive Interaction Design” by Stephen Anderson: Explores how to create engaging and delightful user experiences.
  1. Design tools and resources:
  • UI Design Kits (e.g., Material Design, iOS Design Kit): Pre-built UI components and design systems that can speed up your design process.
  • Coolors: A color scheme generator to help you create beautiful color palettes.
  • FontPair: A resource to help you find the perfect font combinations for your UI designs.

These resources will give you a solid foundation in UI design, inspiration, and the latest trends. Keep exploring, learning, and practicing to become an even better UI designer. Enjoy!


We hope you’ve enjoyed this journey through the world of UI design resources. With these awesome sources of inspiration at your fingertips, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, user-friendly interfaces that’ll dazzle users and make you the envy of fellow designers. Remember, the key to becoming a great UI designer is to never stop learning and experimenting. So, go ahead, explore these resources, and let your creativity run wild. Happy designing!

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