



Web Design

Web Development

Book Search

Events Calendar

Newsletter Signup


launch-icon.pngLaunched May 2010

Project Description

The Summit County Library approached Imagine That to redesign their website with the goal of having the user in mind. A great deal of attention was put towards streamlining navigation and consolidating content. The result is a site that makes finding the libraries content a breeze.

Meet Webster's Backyard Friends!

Imagine That created a custom look and feel design for the Summit County Library Children's pages...


...Careful attention was given to make sure the site spoke to the style and design preferences of children. In the process, Imagine That envisioned and created Webster's Backyard Friends, a host of friendly cartoon characters that are hi-lighted on various pages of the site. The result is a site that creates greater engagement for children and a fun and interactive world for them to explore.

Summit Teens Design

Imagine That created a custom look and feel design for the Summit County Library Teens pages...


...Careful attention was given to make sure the site spoke to the style and design preferences of teens. Imagine That conducted special focus groups with teens and library staff to confirm we were on the right track. In addition, specially designed graphics were created to enhance the presentation of content. The result is a site that created greater engagement for Summit County teens and a Web site they can be proud of.