

What people are saying...

"My customers see a very easy to use website but there is a backend to that website that integrates to every aspect of our business."

Jenny Haser

Elevation Ski and Bike

Recent Projects

Responsive web design in Breckenridge

Green Bay Machinery, Inc.

Since the 1960's, Green Bay Machinery (GBM) has been the leading supplier of process cheese equipment for the food service (SOS) and retail (IWS) markets worldwide. As a pioneer in SOS and IWS markets, their experience and knowledge allowed GBM to expand into other industries such as steel, bakery and pet food. GBM's customer-focused service is at the forefront of their manufacturing process, therefore a user-friendly custom website was the most important aspect of their website design. More...

Breckenridge website design.The Sky Is The Limit!

“Wow, I thought we were just going to talk about my website design, but you guys have given me so much more.”

We hear this from our clients regularly. This comment reveals two important truths. First, most business owners think of a website as a “place” on the web, but not much more. And second, there is a lot more Imagine That can do with your website design than just create a “place.”


We believe innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity are key to growing a thriving business. In our opinion these are essential to make the web work for your business. That’s why we invest so much time and energy into understanding your business before we design your website, internet advertising, or brand strategy. We don’t want to build yet-another-website when it comes to our clients.


Vail internet marketingMore Than A Website

Let’s dream bigger. What if your business website could be an income generator rather than another business expense? What if your website design could provide a way for you to build a strong following of loyal customers? What if your internet marketing could give you an edge over your competition? What if your website could generate the winning numbers for the lottery? (Well, I guess there are some limits!)


We build more than websites at Imagine That  - we build dreams. Let us show you how Imagine That can help you use the web to design a brand,  advertise on the internet and grow your business.


What We Believe

At Imagine That, we believe being in business is more then just making a profit by designing a brand, it's about having a positive impact on our families, community and our world. We believe as entrepreneurs we have the resources and responsibility to make a difference to the people and community around us.


"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
- George Bernard Shaw


Part of dreaming bigger is believing that we can achieve greater things for good by allowing ourselves to dream big, "unreasonable" dreams. It may mean designing a webpage that provides income for your family in hard times, providing the financial resources to live out your dreams, or designing a brand that positively impacts our world. We are foolish enough to believe in these unreasonable dreams and would love to partner with you in the realization of them.