
Jeff McElhattan - SEO/SEM, App Development

what people are saying

"The reason I like working with Imagine That is they're always very quick to respond to any issues or questions that I have."

Jenny Haser

Elevation Ski and Bike

Imagine That Team


Education & Experience

A Denver native, Jeff studied Computer Science and Technical Communications at University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. He started to build custom computer applications and, by 2002, was building dynamic web solutions for small businesses and non-profit organizations. From there, he began to study the intricacies of search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO). His also holds degrees from University of Phoenix and Fullsail University, one of the top digital media schools in the world. His expertise in effective Pay Per Click (PPC) and Cost Per Click (CPC) campaigns optimize creative internet marketing plans for the best in Denver SEM and Denver PPC programs.

Jeff has been designing custom computer business solutions since the mid-1980s. He brings his experience and expertise to Imagine That's clients and transforms the Web into a business-building resource and strives to reach the best Colorado search engine marketing (Colorado SEM) and Denver search engine marketing (Denver SEM) known to common man.

Favorite Quote: "I love my life!"

Living the Life

Jeff is a native of Colorado where he grew up in the mountains. He moved to Wisconsin as a young adult and found the love of his life, Cheryl.  Jeff and Cheryl lived in Wisconsin for 20 years where Jeff had his own computer consulting business and worked for faith-based non-profits. Jeff loves living in the mountains. During the summers you'll find him exploring the mountains in his jeep, camping, or hiking. Jeff loves to ski in the winter. On weekends you'll find Jeff at Abundant Life Church in Silverthorne. (He's the pastor there!)